Saturday, 8 November 2014

MGT 449 Week 5 Complete

·         Resource: Hartman Industries, LLC web page
·         Review the Hartman Industries, LLC web page by following the link on your student website. For the purposes of this assignment, assume your team has been selected to draft a proposal with recommendations to improve the company’s manufacturing processes.
·         Write a thorough proposal (1500-2000 words) suggesting a quality system to the management team of Hartman Industries, LLC. Work together to complete the following in your proposal:
o   Identify a quality management system for process or organizational improvement.
o   Summarize the requirements of the chosen system.
o   Explain how your quality management system will benefit the organization.
o   Detail the implementation plan for your chosen quality improvement process.
o   Provide examples me chart of the quality tools you plan to use for identifying and reducing process variability.  By example, I mean actually showing me what the tool will look like (data can be made up).
To download the complete paper click MGT 449 Week 5 Complete
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