Saturday, 8 November 2014

ACC 421 Week 3 Complete

DQ 1. What are the limitations of using ratios for financial statement analysis? What are the benefits?

DQ 2. What does full disclosure mean? How does full disclosure affect financial reporting?

DQ 3. What information is provided in the auditors’ report?

DQ 4. What information is contained in the balance sheet?

DQ 5. Describe comparative analysis and percentage analysis and differentiate between the two methods.

DQ 6. Class one of the best ways to learn about financial statements is to see actual statements filed by companies that we all know. Attached you will find directions on how to search Edgar Online (The Securities and Exchange Commission’s repository for company filings). Use the hyperlink below to access the search function of the database. Then do the following:
•      Choose a well-known company
•      Locate the company’s latest, interactive 10-K annual report
•      Review the disclosures and report back on something interesting you found
•      In your response, provide the hyperlink of the report

Resource: WileyPLUS
Access WileyPLUS using the link on the student website.
Complete the WileyPLUS (Exercise 5-5, Exercise 5-12, Exercise 5-15, Exercise 24-2, and Exercise 24-4)

Resource: WileyPLUS
Complete the Mid-term Quiz provided.
To download the complete paper click ACC 421 Week 3 Complete
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